Android Question Having an issue with a service.


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I created a service that is supposed to perform a backup of the database in my app every night at 11:30. It performs a backup every night at 11:30 but it also seems to perform one every time I open my app. I would prefer it to only backup once per day.

Here is the code for the service start

Sub Service_Start (StartingIntent As Intent)

    Dim hours As Long
    Dim minutes As Long
    Dim nextruntime As Long
        hours = 23
        minutes = 30

    Dim tt As Long
        tt = hours * DateTime.TicksPerHour + minutes * DateTime.TicksPerMinute

    Dim NowDay As Long
        NowDay = DateTime.DateParse(DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now))

    Dim CurrentTime As Long
        CurrentTime = DateTime.Now - NowDay

    If tt > CurrentTime Then
        nextruntime = NowDay + tt
        nextruntime = NowDay + DateTime.TicksPerDay + tt
    End If

    Log("NextRunTime:" & nextruntime & " Date:" & DateTime.Date(nextruntime) &  "Time:" & DateTime.Time(nextruntime))


    autoproemail 'This sub zips the database and emails it
End Sub

And here is the code in my main activity. This is where I think the issue is.

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Load the layout



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You seem to not have an if condition at your serviceStart. You should call autoproemail only when your dateTime criteria are met and not every time. Another point: why not storing the dateTime of your last back in your db? Then when your service starts, check it, then let backup begin if 24h+ passed, or exit the service by scheduling it for a later time as you already try to do.
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OK. I am not sure what I am doing but I will study my code and what you all say and get it figured out. Thanks guys for the direction to look. Y'all are great. :)
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B4X founder
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You can use this code to find the correct schedule time:
Sub FindNextTimeInDay(Hours As Int, Minutes As Int) As Long
   Dim ticks As Long
   Dim now As Long = DateTime.Now
   ticks = DateUtils.SetDateAndTime(DateTime.GetYear(now), DateTime.GetMonth(now), _
    DateTime.GetDayOfMonth(now),Hours, Minutes, 0)
   If ticks < now Then
    'skip to tomorrow
    Dim p As Period
    p.Days = 1
    ticks = DateUtils.AddPeriod(ticks, p)
   End If
   Return ticks
End Sub
StartServiceAt(Me, FindNextTimeInDay(23, 30), True)

If the service was started because of a scheduled intent then it will include an extra key named android.intent.extra.ALARM_COUNT.

You can check it like this:
If StartingIntent.HasExtra("android.intent.extra.ALARM_COUNT") Then
End If
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