B4A Library Height event in IME library is not related to an edittext ?

I'm working for the first time with IME Library.

The problem is: if I have to different edittext, how can I detect which one executes the event ?

In the example attached I have two different edittexts in the same page, but it's just a working example.

In a real app I have 2 pages with a single edittext for every page and I receive the same event for all the edittexts.

Is it correct that I have to change, from this event, the height of all the edittexts even if the users is working on a single edittext ? Or there are other methods ?

Thanks in advance,


  • demo-height-on-show-keyboard.zip
    7.8 KB · Views: 206


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It depends on your requirements. For a layout with two very tall EditText fields then you should change the height of both fields.

In other cases you might need to move the fields or push them up with a ScrollView.

Note that in many cases it is simpler to let the OS deal with it by setting the adjust mode to adjustPan. The fields will be pushed automatically.

valentino s

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Thank you very much, Erel.

Now I've understood better the tutorial and the guide.

If possible, it's better to simplify using on the top of the screen small edittexts.

Otherwise it's better to let the os do the work and let it pan the area.

Only if I need more control I can work with the ime1_HeightChanged event.
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