iOS Question Help for CustomListView


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I have a CustomListView with in every item, an imageview, and 3 labels. (See the attached view)
I have to load items from a database on a server, and I use JobDone.
In the database there is the data for labels and th URL for image to load into the Imageview
I Know to load an image from server to a Page.
I Know and arrive to load the labels to CustomListView items but I do not arrive to load Image in the same item.
Below my code when I load the same image from File.DirAssets. But I have to load a different image from the database to every item. Can someone help me?
Thank you very much.

Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
    Log("JobName = " & Job.JobName & ", Success = " & Job.Success)
    If Job.Success = True Then           
    Select Job.JobName
        Case LISTING_LIST
            Dim RES As String
            RES = Job.GetString
            Dim parser As JSONParser
            Dim Affiche_list As List
            Affiche_list = parser.NextArray 'returns a list with maps
                For i = 0 To Affiche_list.Size - 1
                    Dim sb As StringBuilder
                    Dim M As Map
                    M = Affiche_list.Get(i)
                    Dim   Civilite, Prenom, Ville, Zip, Telephone, sexe, URL_Vignette As String
                    Dim Longi, Lati As Double
                    Dim annee As Long
                    Civilite = M.Get("civilite")
                    Prenom = M.Get("prenom")
                    Ville = M.Get("ville")
                    Zip = M.Get("zip")
                    annee = M.Get("annee")
                    sexe = M.Get("sexe")
                    URL_Vignette = M.Get("img")
                    Telephone = M.Get("phone1")
                    Longi = M.Get("longitude")
                    Lati = M.Get("latitude")
                    '----- Pour le GPS ------------------------------------
                    Dim distance As Double
                    Dim TheDistance, MyDistance, Carte_V As String
                    Dim TheLongitude, TheLatitude As Double
                    TheLongitude = Longi
                    TheLatitude = Lati
                    Dim Location1, Location2 As  Location
                    Location1.Initialize2(LatitudeMe, LongitudeMe)
                    Location2.Initialize2(TheLatitude, TheLongitude)
                    distance = Location1.DistanceTo(Location2)'Distance en metres entre location1 et location2
                    distance = distance / 1000
                    'distance = Round2 (distance,1)'Dans B4A
                    TheDistance = NumberFormat(distance,0,1)'Dans B4i
                    Carte_V = Civilite & " " & Prenom & ", " & annee
                    Dim Rien = "" As String
                    Dim MyVignette As String
                    MyVignette = "kinda.png"
                    If GeoLoc = True Then
                                MyDistance = "A " & TheDistance & " km" & ", " & Ville
                        clvListing.Add(CreateListItem3(Carte_V, MyDistance, Ville, MyVignette,clvListing.AsView.Width, 55dip), 70dip, M)
                        clvListing.Add(CreateListItem3(Prenom, Ville,Rien, MyVignette, clvListing.AsView.Width, 55dip), 70dip, M)
                    End If       
        Case "JobImgEcran"
                'show the downloaded image
                ImgEcran.Bitmap = Job.GetBitmap   
        End Select
        Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
        hd.ToastMessageShow("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage, True)
    End If
End Sub

 Sub CreateListItem3(Text1 As String, Text2 As String, Text3 As String,Vignette As String, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Panel
     'Routine pour placer 3 labels et une vignette dans l'item de la customListView
    Dim P As Panel
    P.Color = Colors.White
    'Dim ImgVignette As ImageView
    Dim lbl1, lbl2, lbl3 As Label
    lbl1.TextAlignment = lbl1.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
    'lbl1.Color =Colors.Gray
    lbl1.Text = Text1
    lbl1.Font = Font.CreateNew(22)
    lbl2.TextAlignment = lbl2.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
    lbl2.Multiline= True
    lbl2.Text = Text2
    lbl2.Font = Font.CreateNew(16)
    lbl3.TextAlignment = lbl2.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
    lbl3.Multiline= True
    lbl3.Text = Text3
    lbl3.Font = Font.CreateNew(16)
    'JobImgEcran.Initialize("JobImgEcran", Me)
    Dim ImgVignette As ImageView
    Dim Repertoire = File.DirAssets As String
    ImgVignette.Bitmap = LoadBitmap(Repertoire , Vignette)
    P.AddView(ImgVignette, 2dip, 5dip, 18%x, 18%x )
    P.AddView(lbl1, 5dip + 20%x, 0dip, 75%x, Height/2-5dip )
    P.AddView(lbl2, 5dip + 20%x, lbl1.Height, 75%x, Height/2)
    P.AddView(lbl3, 5dip + 20%x, (lbl1.Height +lbl2.Height)-5dip, 75%x, Height/2)
    Return P
End Sub


  • Kinda_Ecran02.PNG
    217.8 KB · Views: 333


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Thank you Erel for your answer, but I don't uderstand very well. In the attached project I have made an example which works fine, but without image loaded from the database, only the same image loaded from File.DirAssets. I know you have much work but can you explain me modifing my example attached to obtain different image for every item from my database. The variable which contains the Url of the image in the database is "img" :
URL_Vignette = M.Get("img").
A Great Thank you!!!


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I use now ImageDownLoader, but why in the code above, image is loaded only into the last item of the CustomListView?
Thank you

'Code module
#Region  Project Attributes
    #ApplicationLabel: B4i Example
    #Version: 1.0.0
    'Orientation possible values: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight and PortraitUpsideDown
    #iPhoneOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight
    #iPadOrientations: Portrait, LandscapeLeft, LandscapeRight, PortraitUpsideDown
#End Region

Sub Process_Globals
    'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
    'Public variables can be accessed from all modules.
    Public App As Application
    Public NavControl As NavigationController
    Private Page1, Listing As Page
    Dim clvListing As CustomListView
    Private Downloader As ImageDownloader
    Dim JobVignette As HttpJob
    Private hd As HUD
    Private LISTING_LIST = "listing_list" As String
    Dim mapData As Map
End Sub

Private Sub Application_Start (Nav As NavigationController)
    NavControl = Nav
    Listing.RootPanel.Color = Colors.ARGB(255,109,237,199)'(255,255,0,0)
    Listing.Title = "Listing"
    clvListing.Initialize(Me, "clvListing", 100%x)
    Listing.RootPanel.AddView(clvListing.AsView, 0, 5dip, 100%x, 100%y)

    ExtraitListePardistance 'job  
End Sub
Sub ExecuteRemoteQuery(Query As String, JobName As String)
    Dim job As HttpJob
    job.Initialize(JobName, Me)
    job.PostString("", Query)'Chez OVH Kindabreak
End Sub
Sub ExtraitListePardistance
    ExecuteRemoteQuery("SELECT ID, date_du_jour, mail1, civilite, nom, prenom, sexe, annee, adresse1, zip, ville, phone1, phone2, nationalite, profession, longitude, latitude, datedebut, datefin, facebook, motor, tarif, texte, img FROM kindasitters ",LISTING_LIST)

End Sub
Sub JobDone (Job As HttpJob)
    Log("JobName = " & Job.JobName & ", Success = " & Job.Success)
    If Job.Success = True Then              
    Select Job.JobName
        Case LISTING_LIST
            Dim RES, RES2 As String
            RES = Job.GetString
            Dim parser As JSONParser
            Dim Affiche_list As List
            Affiche_list = parser.NextArray 'returns a list with maps
                For i = 0 To Affiche_list.Size - 1
                    Dim sb As StringBuilder
                    Dim M As Map
                    M = Affiche_list.Get(i)
                    Dim   Civilite, Nom, Prenom, Ville, Zip, Telephone, sexe, URL_Vignette As String
                    Civilite = M.Get("civilite")
                    Prenom = M.Get("prenom")
                    Ville = M.Get("ville")
                    Zip = M.Get("zip")
                    sexe = M.Get("sexe")
                    URL_Vignette = M.Get("img")
                    Telephone = M.Get("phone1")
                    Dim Carte_V, TheAdress, MyVignette As String
                    Carte_V =  Prenom & ", " & Nom
                    TheAdress = Ville & ", " & Zip

                    clvListing.Add(CreateListItem3(Prenom, Ville,TheAdress, URL_Vignette, clvListing.AsView.Width, 55dip), 70dip, M)
    End Select
        Log("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage)
        hd.ToastMessageShow("Error: " & Job.ErrorMessage, True)
    End If
End Sub
Sub CreateListItem3(Text1 As String, Text2 As String, Text3 As String, ImgPath As String, Width As Int, Height As Int) As Panel
     'Routine pour placer 2 labels dans l'item de la customListView
    Dim P As Panel
    P.Color = Colors.White
    'Dim ImgVignette As ImageView
    Dim lbl1, lbl2, lbl3 As Label
    lbl1.TextAlignment = lbl1.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
    'lbl1.Color =Colors.Gray
    lbl1.Text = Text1
    lbl1.Font = Font.CreateNew(22)
    lbl2.TextAlignment = lbl2.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
    lbl2.Multiline= True
    lbl2.Text = Text2
    lbl2.Font = Font.CreateNew(16)
    lbl3.TextAlignment = lbl2.ALIGNMENT_LEFT
    lbl3.Multiline= True
    lbl3.Text = Text3
    lbl3.Font = Font.CreateNew(16)

    Dim ImgVignette As ImageView
    Downloader.Download(CreateMap(ImgVignette: ImgPath))
    P.AddView(ImgVignette, 10dip, 5dip, 15%x, 15%x )
    P.AddView(lbl1, 5dip + 20%x, 0dip, 75%x, Height/2-5dip )
    P.AddView(lbl2, 5dip + 20%x, lbl1.Height, 75%x, Height/2)
    P.AddView(lbl3, 5dip + 20%x, (lbl1.Height +lbl2.Height)-5dip, 75%x, Height/2)
    Return P
End Sub
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