Help needed


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Longtime User
Hi everyone. First of all please excuse my english. I started to learn B4A and i ma thinking seriously to buy it because it is a great tool. Now i am trying to make a rebus or crosswords program but i am stuck so i need your help.
So.. I have 64 labels grouped in a single panel. In this labels the user will input lettres from a keyboard. What i am trying to do is to implement a gesture as is follows:

1. when user press on one label and slides (horizontaly or vertically ) a new layout is loaded which includes the keyboard and the row (if it was slide horizontaly ) or column (if it was slide vertically ).

How can i implement this gesture. Do i need the full version of B4A or i can use the demo?
Thank you in advance !


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you. I will buy it. But just one question:

I was thinking if user click on one label this will turn green then the program will wait for another click on the label left or up and. when is getting the second input it will open the keyboard layout. I tried to do this and defined two label objects as senders and then compare left and top position. The problem is that after first click the second sender will get the first input . How can avoid this??

Dim labelpos1 as label : labelpos1 = sender ' get first click
Dim posx1, posy1 as float :posx1 =labelpos1.left : posy1 =
Dim labelpos2 as label : labelpos2 = sender ' get second click
Dim posx2, posy2 as float :posx2 =labelpos2.left : posy2 =
the result is: posx1=posx2 posy1=posy2
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Licensed User
Longtime User
hi again.

i will attach my code to be more explicit. I figured out how to resolve my first problem but now i have one bigger:).

So how can i take data from the second layout and move in first without destroy it ?
Also if you have any comments i will be glad to hear because it is the first time i am writing code since spectrum days.. :)


    10.3 KB · Views: 180
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thank you for examples.
I have a question i already searched but i didnt find an answer.
How can we see the index of an object inside a panel?
Have a nice day!
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