I need information about how to recieve messages from a server to an unique phone and vice versa, selected by her number telephone or anything else. There a lot of devices and the messages, wich are privates, only must send to the corresponding phone.
Where I must start to looking for the solution?
What libraries can I serve me?
Sockets perhaps or AsyncStreams?
How can I differentiate a device or other?
Any help would be grateful.
I need information about how to recieve messages from a server to an unique phone and vice versa, selected by her number telephone or anything else. There a lot of devices and the messages, wich are privates, only must send to the corresponding phone.
Where I must start to looking for the solution?
What libraries can I serve me?
Sockets perhaps or AsyncStreams?
How can I differentiate a device or other?
Any help would be grateful.