Android Question Help to recieve text messages from a server


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Longtime User
I need information about how to recieve messages from a server to an unique phone and vice versa, selected by her number telephone or anything else. There a lot of devices and the messages, wich are privates, only must send to the corresponding phone.
Where I must start to looking for the solution?
What libraries can I serve me?
Sockets perhaps or AsyncStreams?

How can I differentiate a device or other?

Any help would be grateful.


Licensed User
Longtime User
It must be immediately
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks Erel, I will look at it, but one question...
This can be done without GCM? Only with an own server and the application of the device, without relying on third parties

and one more...
Do chat applications use GCM?

thanks again.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Then I guess that I must do it with socket connections and TCP or UDP protocols for the poll method. Is this correct?

My application is not a chat. It is monitor a machine and I want to receive messages from machine turned off, or turned on.

I'm actually very lost in this topic, so I greatly appreciate your help
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