I am rewriting some code, and I have two classes clTracklist and clFlipFlopLoader. The following code is in a service:
I get this error message for the clFlipFlopLoader, and yet the cllstTracks has no such problems. Starting to tear my hair out (or what little I have left) over this one! Please anyone, any ideas? Must be something obvious....
Sub Process_Globals
'These global variables will be declared once when the application starts.
'These variables can be accessed from all modules.
Dim bPausedByPhone As Boolean
Dim FlipFlopLoader As clFlipFlopLoader
Dim lstTracks As clTrackList
I get this error message for the clFlipFlopLoader, and yet the cllstTracks has no such problems. Starting to tear my hair out (or what little I have left) over this one! Please anyone, any ideas? Must be something obvious....