help with two animations


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi everyone, I've got this situation with two animated gifs. I'm very stuck with ...start second animation when first ends right away... I'll hope someone could take a look at the code and help me.

thanks in advance

main libs used gifDecoder and Audo
two gifs aniamted (kind of a:tossing, b:coin)
two timers, one controls frame animation for both gifs, second timer triggers second animation "right away" when first ends. but the animation can't be seen smooth it takes a "small pause", then displays the second animation

please see attached file
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Licensed User
Longtime User
A little suggestion, when posting code like this you better enclose it using the [ code] ... [/ code] tags or even better, upload your project as a ZIP (from the designer click on File -> Export as ZIP).

That way we can see the whole code easily.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks all 4 the suggestions :)
Code now is compact and running well. one concern is when second animation starts, it seems to take a time gap to load. Is there a way to eliminate this time gap? please comment
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Licensed User
Longtime User
If you tested it in the Emulator you'll see the time gap (me too).
On a real device, like my Nexus One, this gap is almost not visible.
Otherwise you would need to define one GifDecoder object for each gif image and load them at the biginning in Activate_Create.

Best regards.
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