Helpers, but in the style of the Onion News Network


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Please add to this list:

Some of the top helpers in the B4a community.

NJDude is a Veteran, this means that he is very old and lives in a care home.

In his more lucid moments NJ does quantum mechanics with mobile devices.



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Current population

I would just like to add that

SIO is from a remote island in the pacific.

I think he calls it Hayeee or something, some kind of guttural sound with a 'T' sound in there somewhere as well.

Anyway according to SIO they all descended from three humans who reached the island in the 1800s on a leaky raft.

Current population = 586 males, 465 females and 345 not really sure what they are's although a lot of them have adams apples.

Somehow they speak French. Nuff said :D

(I love the French really, no offence, offencay non :) )
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Is from Israel, where Jesus comes from.

He could never figure out how to program Android devices so he made up his own language as he went along.

He called it B4a which means 'Basic for android' and as he went along it got more and more complicated eventually culminating in a 'thing' which he then went on to sell to us :)

He was considering renaming it to 'thing'

The connotations of this is that if you are a Christian, you must only believe in one programming language and that is B4a.

as an aside, one can't help noting that the first part of Erel's new language for Android consists of the letter and number 'B4'

does that mean 'before' ?

Before 'what' I ask my readers?

And if you are religious, does that mean there may come an 'after' ?

Its all a mystery shrouded in an enigma.

Unless its an enigma shrouded in mystery?

I ask my readers for enlightenment.....
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Mucho Coolio

How cool!

I presume you came up with the idea because you already made Basic for PPC but it must have been a massive undertaking to realise your dream!

To figure out how to interface with the ADK etc. wow!

I keep dabbling in trying to learn Eclipse/Java but the learning curve is so steep.

I bought B4a and made my first working app in about 1 hour!

Needless to say I was hooked :)

Perhaps B$A will be as big as M$ one day :)


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Is named because he only gets out of bed in the PM :)

am = Afore Mornin'

pm = Past Mornin'

Jon lives in the desert and only gets up at Noon

Noon is a simile for Moon, can you see the moon yet? then its too early to get out of bed.

Noon is also a sect of religious believers that Jon has started.

He currently lives on a ranch and at last count he has five wives.

They are collectively known as 'Jon's Noonies'

There is a Guinness book of records for the amount of 'noonies' gathered by one person.

It seems that Jon holds the current record.
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