Android Question Hex to RGB color?


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From a post by Erel I got sometime ago:

Sub getARGB(Color As Int) As Int() 
    Dim res(4) As Int 
    res(0) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.AND(Color, 0xff000000), 24)
    res(1) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.AND(Color, 0xff0000), 16) 
    res(2) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.AND(Color, 0xff00), 8) 
    res(3) = Bit.AND(Color, 0xff)             
    Return res
End Sub
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I'm going to change the question a little bit to make the answer a little clearer.

Can I get the RGB values from a number such as #E3E2E1?

This is a notation used describe three 8-bit (each 0 – 255) values each represented by two hexadecimal digits. First two hex digits represent the Red, the second two Green, and the final two Blue.

The three colors in this example are:
Red – E3 (227 decimal)
Green – E2 (226)
Blue – E1 (225)

So you can write statement:
n = Colors.RGB(227, 226, 225)

The post by WAZUMBi is correct. It will take an integer and extract the individual red, green, and blue integer values from the combined color value.

If I take the number (written in hexadecimal notation) #E3E2E1 and convert this to decimal notation I get 14934753. If I feed this number into WAZUMBi's code I will end up with 227, 226, 225 for res(1), res(2), and res(3).

Sorry if I misunderstood the question.
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Maybe this?

Sub GetColor(hex As String) As Double
    Dim bc As ByteConverter
    Dim r,g,b As Int
    ' #E3E2E1
    r = Bit.ParseInt(hex.SubString2(1,3), 16)
    g = Bit.ParseInt(hex.SubString2(3,5), 16)
    b = Bit.ParseInt(hex.SubString2(5,7), 16)
    Return Colors.RGB(r, g, b)
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    Log(Colors.RGB(227, 226, 225))
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I have a hex string but the described method (Erel) does not work. The getcolor function works however.
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DonManFred, I'm trying to use that GetColour procedure you posted in this thread, but I'm getting an error on the line "Dim bc As ByteConverter" asking whether I'm missing a library.

Is there a particular library that I need to add for the ByteConverter type?

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Sub Get_IntColor(HexColor As String) As Int
    Dim res As Int
    If HexColor.StartsWith("#") Then
        res = Bit.ParseInt(HexColor.Replace("#", ""), 16)
        res = Bit.Or(res, 0xFF000000)    'alfa
        res = 0
    End If
    Return res
End Sub
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