I have a number of custom-made devices with nrf chip with BLE. I can connect and talk to them but would like to keep connected to the nearest device (best RSSI).
I have two BLEManager2 objects, one connected for comms, and a second one scanning for devices to find the nearest one.
I tried initialising them to the same Event name and using 'Sender' to handle the events for each manager, but this proved difficult as I need to handle events differently depending on whether they are for the connected or just a candidate device.
When a new device is detected by Manager2 records it in a map, then checks the Rssi of the connected device on Manager1, and if there is a better one it connects. This all works well...
I then try to swap the Managers over so that I am now using the nearer device on Manager 1. This does not happen on _Connect as I need to set up the device first by setting notify, negotiating MTU etc first, but once this is done I try to set Manager1 to point to Manager2
This works in that Manager1.WriteData now uses the newly connected device, but the responses come back on the event Manager2_DataAvailable.
Is there any way I can change the Event name for DataAvailable? Or a different way of switching between devices?
I have two BLEManager2 objects, one connected for comms, and a second one scanning for devices to find the nearest one.
2 Managers - Initialised with different Event names:
I tried initialising them to the same Event name and using 'Sender' to handle the events for each manager, but this proved difficult as I need to handle events differently depending on whether they are for the connected or just a candidate device.
When a new device is detected by Manager2 records it in a map, then checks the Rssi of the connected device on Manager1, and if there is a better one it connects. This all works well...
Compare RSSI:
Sub BLEManagerMate1_RssiAvailable(Succsess As Boolean,Rssi As Double)
If Succsess=True Then
Dim ConnectedMate As String = Subs.GetParamStringTablet("LastMate")
Log("BLE Connected to " & ConnectedMate & " " & Rssi & "dB. Available devices are:")
Dim BestMate As String = ConnectedMate
Dim BestRSSI As Int = Rssi
For Each myID As String In BLEMateAvailableMap.Keys
Dim AvailableRssi As Int = BLEMateAvailableMap.Get(myID)
Log(" " & myID & " " & AvailableRssi & "dB")
If AvailableRssi > BestRSSI Then
BestMate = myID
BestRSSI = AvailableRssi
End If
Log("BestBate is " & BestMate & " at " & BestRSSI & "dB")
If BestMate <> ConnectedMate Then
End If
End If
End Sub
I then try to swap the Managers over so that I am now using the nearer device on Manager 1. This does not happen on _Connect as I need to set up the device first by setting notify, negotiating MTU etc first, but once this is done I try to set Manager1 to point to Manager2
Hot swapping the device:
BLEManagerMate1 = BLEManagerMate2
This works in that Manager1.WriteData now uses the newly connected device, but the responses come back on the event Manager2_DataAvailable.
Is there any way I can change the Event name for DataAvailable? Or a different way of switching between devices?