Android Question How can i know when the services (Google) are started?


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Thank you Erel.
I have to start AFTER Google services are started, on some device it takes 2 minutes. I write a DB with FCM device token, but the fm_MessageArrived is fired when the Google support is completelly started. I write the token, but the App is unable to respond in time, so the the third party(thinking the app is ready) doesn't get any answer in time. I'll introduce #StartAtBoot flag. I had same problem on other OS's but it was more tricky to solve.
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Yes it's my App behaviour, register at Play Services and show no UI interface. Seems old 4.x android have a long startup time, with a long start inertia for Play Services. After initial startup the messages run fast! I must widen test to show additional issues if any. Using Firebase Crash reporting is very useful...I have published alpha version
Happy Easter(if you celebrate)!
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