Android Question How do I add to List of a custom Type

Tim Chapman

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I don't know what the correct words are for what I am asking here. I don't know what to call the Objects.
Would Todos be called a list or something else?
Line 22 gives an error: Unknown Member: Add
What is the correct way for me to do this?
Thanks in advance!

My b4A Code:
Type Todo(ID As Short, Name As String, Status As Byte, Context As Byte, Category As Byte, Priority As Int, Note As String) 'THIS IS IN PROCESS_GLOBALS.
Dim Todos As Todo

Sub MySub
    Dim workbook1 As ReadableWorkbook
    Dim TodoSheet As ReadableSheet
    workbook1.Initialize(Dir, FileName)
    TodoSheet = workbook1.GetSheet(0)
    'Load the main sheet of the spreadsheet into an list of type Todo.
    For row = 1 To TodoSheet.RowsCount - 1
        Dim TempTodo As Todo
        If TodoSheet.GetCellValue(2,row) > 0 And TodoSheet.GetCellValue(2,row) < 5 Then
            TempTodo.ID = TodoSheet.GetCellValue(0,row)
            TempTodo.Name = TodoSheet.GetCellValue(1,row)
            TempTodo.Status = TodoSheet.GetCellValue(2,row)
            TempTodo.Context = TodoSheet.GetCellValue(5,row)
            TempTodo.Category = TodoSheet.GetCellValue(6,row)
            TempTodo.Priority = TodoSheet.GetCellValue(9,row)
            TempTodo.Note = TodoSheet.GetCellValue(17,row)
            ExitFlag = 0
        End If
        If TodoSheet.GetCellValue(1,row) = "" Then 'Found the first blank line.  Done loading todo spreadsheet into Todos List.
            ExitFlag = 1
        End If
        If ExitFlag = 1 Then Exit
End Sub


Licensed User
Longtime User
Would Todos be called a list or something else?

Declare Todos As List.. Then all should be good.

Type Todo(ID As Short, Name As String, Status As Byte, Context As Byte, Category As Byte, Priority As Int, Note As String)

Private  Todos As List
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