Android Question How do I distribute my B4A application?


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What is the correct process to distribute my B4A app to my Clients. It is not a general app that should be available on the Play Store.

Thank you



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It is possible to distribute an app without the Google Playstore. In this case, the best way is perhaps to have your own website with a download channel. Of course, you will have less control over who is using your app and you should also think of a working "back channel" for your customers to intercept their error messages or feedback.
Remember that you are not using a DEBUG key to compile your app for the distribution version.

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1. Change the Build Configuration from Debug to Release or Release Obsfucated
2. Run (F5)
3. Goto Objects folder located inside your project
4. Copy the generated .APK file and share to your users to install
I have searched for the APK file, but no success in finding it. I think that is what is confusing me. Only finding the aab file, which is not what I would want to use for a private Client.

Thank you for your input.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
It is possible to distribute an app without the Google Playstore. In this case, the best way is perhaps to have your own website with a download channel. Of course, you will have less control over who is using your app and you should also think of a working "back channel" for your customers to intercept their error messages or feedback.
Remember that you are not using a DEBUG key to compile your app for the distribution version.

View attachment 152348
Thanks BlueVision. I have Web Services that is being called which will validate the user of the app.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
You can also restrict the use of your app to a geographical location(s) where your clients coduct business. (geofences) .
Your app will first check if the devie is in the locations list, if not then it doesn't run, or it can take any other action you want it to take in this case :rolleyes:
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