I have been learning how to use the b4xtable and b4xcustomlistview.
Initially, in the expanded form of the xCustomListview I was using labels, buttons and edittexts and was able to iterate over the items in the panel associated with the selected item in the list and store them in a map - the key being the TAG field and the value being the object (label etc). Using that map I was able to get and set the text values of the fields that belonged to any item in the xCustomListView list.
Fine, but I liked the economy of space of the b4xFloatTextField so I used them instead, but it does not work the same. Would someone kindly point me in the right direction as I would like to try to use cross platform code as much as possible.
Thank you.
I have been learning how to use the b4xtable and b4xcustomlistview.
Initially, in the expanded form of the xCustomListview I was using labels, buttons and edittexts and was able to iterate over the items in the panel associated with the selected item in the list and store them in a map - the key being the TAG field and the value being the object (label etc). Using that map I was able to get and set the text values of the fields that belonged to any item in the xCustomListView list.
Fine, but I liked the economy of space of the b4xFloatTextField so I used them instead, but it does not work the same. Would someone kindly point me in the right direction as I would like to try to use cross platform code as much as possible.
Thank you.