How much abstraction is too much? Phil Matthews ponders this:
Recently I had to work on some embedded software for a PIC24 that would reset another chip by pulsing an I/O pin low for 160usec.
The code I found had a function "reset_chip()", which created a message that was posted on a message bus to a task in a "reset object" that subscribed to the message. The message was dynamically allocated on the heap and linked into a message queue. The message contained a pointer to the message data which was also dynamically allocated on the heap. That "object" had 4-layers of hardware abstraction that ultimately pulled a GPIO pin low. Another timer object also subscribed to the same message and started a timeout with minimum resolution 10msec. The timer object was dynamically created in a linked list of timers. When the timer expired it generated a timer event object that posted a timeout message to a another task that subscribed to the timeout message. This caused the reset object, through 4 layers of hardware abstraction and logical pin mapping, to pull the pin high. The reset pin was low for anywhere between 10-20msec. Also it didn't always work, and sometimes went low and failed to go high (This is why I was working on it) .
I deleted 1500 bytes of code and replaced it with 3 lines of C-code:
Set_gpio_pin(6, low);
Set_gpio_pin(6, hi);
When I pointed out how ridiculous the original code was, and asked why it was done that way I was told point blank, "It's object oriented". When I asked what problem is being solved by doing it this was the reply was "Everything is object oriented. It's the way software is done".
Admittedly this is an extreme example. However, over the years I have noticed embedded software becoming more complex for no apparent benefit. It looks structured, and follows some academic pattern. But is way too complicated, slow, memory hungry and full of bugs. I don't mean complicated systems. I'm meaning simple systems with unnecessarily complicated software. Why has this come about? Is it software guys becoming more and more distant from hardware?
When I started writing embedded software it had to be crammed into limited hardware. Simplicity was elegance.