Hello everyone,
I have lost most of my B4A Class libraries. So, I ended up using a program to decompile my Dex file. I am trying to make use of these Java Class. I am still uncertain how to use Java Object.
See below sample of Java Class which was decompiled. Can it be reused with B4A? Thanks in advance
I have lost most of my B4A Class libraries. So, I ended up using a program to decompile my Dex file. I am trying to make use of these Java Class. I am still uncertain how to use Java Object.
See below sample of Java Class which was decompiled. Can it be reused with B4A? Thanks in advance
package scantech.dragmove;
import android.view.View;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.B4AClass.ImplB4AClass;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.SubDelegator;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.agraham.reflection.Reflection;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.Common;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.keywords.constants.Colors;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ActivityWrapper;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.ConcreteViewWrapper;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.PanelWrapper;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.HashMap;
public class dragmove extends B4AClass.ImplB4AClass
implements BA.SubDelegator
private static HashMap<String, Method> htSubs;
public Common __c = null;
public int _action_down = 0;
public int _action_move = 0;
public int _action_up = 0;
public PanelWrapper _bgpanel = null;
public boolean _blnallowmove = false;
public boolean _blnsnaptogrid = false;
public Object _callback = null;
public int _downx = 0;
public int _downy = 0;
public String _eventname = "";
public ConcreteViewWrapper _innerview = null;
public ConcreteViewWrapper _innerview2 = null;
public ConcreteViewWrapper _innerview3 = null;
public PanelWrapper _panel1 = null;
private void innerInitialize(BA paramBA)
throws Exception
if (this.ba == null)
this.ba = new BA(paramBA, this, htSubs, "scantech.dragmove.dragmove");
if (htSubs == null)
htSubs = this.ba.htSubs;
public String _class_globals()
throws Exception
this._innerview = new ConcreteViewWrapper();
this._innerview2 = new ConcreteViewWrapper();
this._innerview3 = new ConcreteViewWrapper();
this._panel1 = new PanelWrapper();
this._bgpanel = new PanelWrapper();
this._downx = 0;
this._downy = 0;
this._action_down = 0;
this._action_move = 0;
this._action_up = 0;
this._blnallowmove = false;
this._blnsnaptogrid = false;
this._eventname = "";
this._callback = new Object();
return "";
public String _destroyobjects()
throws Exception
return "";
public String _initialize(BA paramBA, ActivityWrapper paramActivityWrapper, ConcreteViewWrapper paramConcreteViewWrapper1, ConcreteViewWrapper paramConcreteViewWrapper2, ConcreteViewWrapper paramConcreteViewWrapper3, Object paramObject, String paramString)
throws Exception
this._innerview = paramConcreteViewWrapper1;
this._innerview2 = paramConcreteViewWrapper2;
this._innerview3 = paramConcreteViewWrapper3;
this._panel1.Initialize(this.ba, "");
this._bgpanel.Initialize(this.ba, "PanelBG");
paramBA = this._panel1;
paramConcreteViewWrapper1 = this.__c;
paramConcreteViewWrapper1 = Common.Colors;
paramBA.setColor(Colors.ARGB(125, 0, 0, 50));
paramBA = this._bgpanel;
paramConcreteViewWrapper1 = this.__c;
paramConcreteViewWrapper1 = Common.Colors;
paramBA = (View)this._bgpanel.getObject();
paramConcreteViewWrapper1 = this.__c;
int i = Common.PerXToCurrent(100.0F, this.ba);
paramConcreteViewWrapper1 = this.__c;
paramActivityWrapper.AddView(paramBA, 0, 0, i, Common.PerYToCurrent(100.0F, this.ba));
this._bgpanel.AddView((View)this._panel1.getObject(), paramConcreteViewWrapper2.getLeft(), paramConcreteViewWrapper2.getTop(), paramConcreteViewWrapper2.getWidth(), paramConcreteViewWrapper2.getHeight());
this._action_down = 0;
this._action_move = 2;
this._action_up = 1;
this._eventname = paramString;
this._callback = paramObject;
paramBA = new Reflection();
paramBA.Target = this._panel1.getObject();
paramBA.SetOnTouchListener(this.ba, "Panel1_Touch");
return "";
public boolean _panel1_touch(Object paramObject1, int paramInt, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2, Object paramObject2)
throws Exception
_panel_move(paramInt, paramFloat1, paramFloat2);
int i;
if (paramInt == this._action_down)
paramObject1 = this.__c;
bool = this._blnsnaptogrid;
paramObject1 = this.__c;
if (bool == true)
paramInt = (int)paramFloat1;
i = (int)paramFloat2;
paramObject1 = this.__c;
this._downx = (int)(Common.Floor(paramInt / 10.0D + 0.5D) * 10.0D);
paramObject1 = this.__c;
this._downy = (int)(Common.Floor(i / 10.0D + 0.5D) * 10.0D);
paramObject1 = this._innerview;
paramObject2 = this.__c;
paramObject1.setLeft((int)(Common.Floor(this._innerview.getLeft() / 10.0D + 0.5D) * 10.0D));
paramObject1 = this._innerview;
paramObject2 = this.__c;
paramObject1.setTop((int)(Common.Floor(this._innerview.getTop() / 10.0D + 0.5D) * 10.0D));
while (true)
paramObject1 = this.__c;
return true;
this._downx = (int)paramFloat1;
this._downy = (int)paramFloat2;
if (paramInt != this._action_up)
paramObject1 = this.__c;
paramObject1 = this.__c;
this._blnallowmove = false;
paramObject1 = this.__c;
bool = this._blnallowmove;
paramObject1 = this.__c;
while (bool != true);
boolean bool = this._blnsnaptogrid;
paramObject1 = this.__c;
if (bool == true)
i = (int)paramFloat1;
paramInt = (int)paramFloat2;
paramObject1 = this.__c;
i = (int)(Common.Floor(i / 10.0D + 0.5D) * 10.0D);
paramObject1 = this.__c;
paramInt = (int)(Common.Floor(paramInt / 10.0D + 0.5D) * 10.0D);
this._innerview.setLeft(i + this._innerview.getLeft() - this._downx);
this._innerview.setTop(paramInt + this._innerview.getTop() - this._downy);
while (true)
this._innerview.setLeft((int)(this._innerview.getLeft() + paramFloat1 - this._downx));
this._innerview.setTop((int)(this._innerview.getTop() + paramFloat2 - this._downy));
public String _panel_longclick()
throws Exception
Common localCommon = this.__c;
if (Common.SubExists(this.ba, this._callback, this._eventname + "_LongClick"))
localCommon = this.__c;
Common.CallSubNew(this.ba, this._callback, this._eventname + "_LongClick");
return "";
public String _panel_move(int paramInt, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2)
throws Exception
Common localCommon = this.__c;
if (Common.SubExists(this.ba, this._callback, this._eventname + "_Move"))
localCommon = this.__c;
Common.CallSubNew(this.ba, this._callback, this._eventname + "_Move");
return "";
public String _panelbg_touch(int paramInt, float paramFloat1, float paramFloat2)
throws Exception
if (paramInt == this._action_down)
Common localCommon = this.__c;
this._blnallowmove = false;
return "";
public String _tmrtime_tick()
throws Exception
boolean bool = this._blnallowmove;
Common localCommon = this.__c;
if (bool == true)
return "";
return "";
public Object callSub(String paramString, Object paramObject, Object[] paramArrayOfObject)
throws Exception
this.ba.sharedProcessBA.sender = paramObject;
return BA.SubDelegator.SubNotFound;