Android Question How Intent Filters can read files on /data/data folder?


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Yes, i already know, data/data/appname/files it can be readed only by the owner app or by any app with root.

BUT, this is actually not true, for example, the outlook app, when you open a email with attachments, this files are stores in a folder under file:///data/data/

Then, a chooser will appear to open the file, for example, WPS office, and those apps CAN READ the file from the private data/data folder (you can click on file info to see the path)

So, I added the Intent Filter on my app to read XML files, and its working great for any location but /data/data.

This app worked with the hotmail app that saved the attacments on the publick doenloads folder.

When i click a XML file on the Outlook app, my app opens and the intent data is correct (file:///data/data/, but the file.exists function returns false.

Sub Activity_Resume
Dim XmlData As String
Dim XmlPath As String
Dim XmlFile As String

Dim In As Intent

    In = Activity.GetStartingIntent
    If In <> Null Then

        XmlData = In.GetData

         If XmlData <> Null Then
            XmlPath = XmlData.SubString2(0,XmlData.LastIndexOf("/"))
            XmlPath = XmlPath.Replace("file:///","")
             XmlFile = XmlData.SubString(XmlData.LastIndexOf("/")+1)
            If File.Exists(XmlPath, XmlFile) = True Then    
                Log(File.GetText(XmlPath, XmlFile))  'this works on otrher paths

        End If
     End If
End Sub

Any ideas on this?



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It is not possible to open an internal file of another app.

Yea, its weird, for example, in the screenshot, the WPS office has the file open. It shows the data/data path, but if i close the file, the close the app, restar the phone, open wps and select the file again from "recent files", wps can open it again. o_O

Same with the other apps, like solid explorer.

If outlook its implementing a content provider, can B4A implement the filter to pen this file? Is there an example to use the "content" scheme instead of the "file" in the



  • Screenshot_2015-11-29-09-17-10.png
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Monitor the unfiltered logs and see which intent is being sent when you open the file.

In the logs I can only see this:

findPreferredActivity: We found 1 PreferredActivities set, but no match
Adding preferred activity ComponentInfo{com.ioxsoft.cfdivalidadorplus/com.ioxsoft.cfdivalidadorplus.main} for user 0 :
  Action: "android.intent.action.VIEW"
  Category: "android.intent.category.DEFAULT"
  Type: "text/xml"

But this is the Intent Filter declared in the manifest

<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<data android:mimeType="text/xml" />

In the debug, after calling:

In = Activity.GetStartingIntent

Looks like this:

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Hi @Erel

After lots of intents XD, finaly i could open the file.

But its kind strange, maybe a bug in B4A.

As you can see in the picture on my last post, the path in the mData of the intent has 2 different versions; encoded and decoded.

I was debugging and put manualy on the starting intent the decoded part:

XmlPath = "data/data/"
XmlFile = "A5192 06-12-15.xml"

When you use the XmlData = In.GetData, the intent returns a path based on the encoded, this fails.

So, I used the decoded path, and this way, the file oppens o_O

(All the paths had a %, encoded as %25 )

Is this a Bug?

how can you get the decoded path?

I already tried:

    XmlData = In.GetData
        Dim jo As JavaObject = In
        test1 = jo.RunMethod("getData", Null)
        test2 = jo.RunMethod("getDataString", Null)

Both return the encoded path :(
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Well, adding this works on my device:

Dim jo As JavaObject
XmlData = jo.RunMethod("decode", Array(XmlData))

Why the FILE operations did not work with the encoded path?
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