Here is a tutorial in objC, but i dont know objC so i dont get it work.
i tried to adapt the code from this thread to my code, but unfortunately without success.
How to adjust a UIScrollView to fit the keyboard - free Swift 5.4 example code and tips
Learn Swift coding for iOS with these free tutorials
iEventKit Question - Getting notified of Event Changes
Using the iEventKit library, is it possible to: a) Register for the EKEventStoreChangedNotification b) Use the refreshSourcesIfNecessary to limit the events to only those that have changed Thanks
Sub AddListener
Dim no As NativeObject = store
Dim nstore As NativeObject = no.GetField("store")
no = Me
no.RunMethod("addStoreListener:", Array(nstore))
End Sub
Sub Store_Changed(Notification As Object)
End Sub
#if OBJC
- (void)addStoreListener:(EKEventStore*) store {
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: #selector(adjustForKeyboard), name: UIResponder.keyboardWillChangeFrameNotification, object: nil)];
NSLog(@"Store listener added");
- (void)eventStoreChangedNotification:(NSNotification *)notification {
NSLog(@"Event store changed");
[ raiseEvent:nil event:@"store_changed:" params:@[notification]];
#End If