Android Question How to avoid Paste Clipboard menu on edittext_click?

RB Smissaert

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I have an edit text that has been set to always hide the keyboard with Java code:

Sub Globals()
 Private NativeMe As JavaObject
End Sub

import android.widget.EditText;
import android.os.Build;
    import android.text.InputType;
 public void disableSoftKeyboard(final EditText v) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
} else {
 public void enableSoftKeyboard(final EditText v) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) {
} else {
Sub SetEditTextInput_Type(bDefaultKeyboard As Boolean, oEditText As  EditText)

If NativeMe.IsInitialized = False Then
End If

If bDefaultKeyboard Then
NativeMe.RunMethod("enableSoftKeyboard", Array As Object(oEditText))
oEditText.InputType = 131217 'no suggestions
NativeMe.RunMethod("disableSoftKeyboard", Array As Object(oEditText))
End If

End Sub

This all works fine, but I would like to avoid the Paste Clipboard menu to popup.
Any idea how this could be done?



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If you don't want the user to be able to alter (by typing/pasting) the value of edit text just disable it.

If you just want to hide the soft keyboard but allow the user to copy the content then just set the input type to none from the designer or from code and use this code
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RB Smissaert

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If you don't want the user to be able to alter (by typing/pasting) the value of edit text just disable it.

If you just want to hide the soft keyboard but allow the user to copy the content then just set the input type to none from the designer or from code and use this code

I did have a look at that link you mentioned, but I don't want to alter the popup that happens when clicking the cursor droplet.
All I want is that when you click the empty edittext the white Paste Clipboard dialog won't popup.
It is mainly relevant for a password edittext.

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RB Smissaert

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Did you try adding a handler for the long click event?

Yes, I did, but probably not the way you would do this.
This is the code. It doesn't show all the code, but it will give you the idea.
Works well for me.

Sub KeyboardButton_LongClick

Dim b As Button = Sender
Dim iTag As Int
Dim iSelStart As Int
Dim iSelEnd As Int
Dim oEditText As EditText
Dim iKeyboardButton_Click_Time As Long

'suggestions not useful here
If b.Tag = "btnSuggestion1" Or b.Tag = "btnSuggestion2" Then Return

iTag = b.Tag

'Log("KeyboardButton_LongClick, oEditText.Tag: " & oEditText.Tag)

Select Case General.iCurrentEditFocus
Case Enums.eFocussedEdit.DialogInput
oEditText = Dialog.edtInput
Case Enums.eFocussedEdit.SQL
oEditText = edtSQL
End Select

bLongKeyboardKeyClick = True

'this will be set to False by clicking another or the same key. That key won't then do anything else
Do While bLongKeyboardKeyClick

'iCustomKBRepeatDelay can be set at Settings page 2
  If DateTime.Now - iKeyboardButton_Click_Time > iCustomKBRepeatDelay Then
   If IntInIntArray(iTag, Array As Int(cKB.eSpecialKeyboardButtons.iCaps, _
cKB.eSpecialKeyboardButtons.iDel, _
cKB.eSpecialKeyboardButtons.iReturn, _
cKB.eSpecialKeyboardButtons.iSymbols)) = -1 Then 'not one of the non-character buttons
iSelStart = General.getSelectionStart(oEditText)
iSelEnd = General.getSelectionEnd(oEditText)
oEditText.Text = Insert(oEditText.Text, cKB.GetChar(iTag) , iSelStart, iSelEnd)
oEditText.SelectionStart = iSelStart + 1
If cKB.iKeyboardState = Enums.eKeyboardStates.UpperCase Then
End If
Select Case iTag
Case cKB.eSpecialKeyboardButtons.iCaps
Select Case cKB.iKeyboardState
Case Enums.eKeyboardStates.LowerCase
b.TextColor = Colors.Black
Case Enums.eKeyboardStates.UpperCase
b.TextColor = Colors.Blue
Case Enums.eKeyboardStates.UpperCaseFixed
b.TextColor = Colors.Black
Case Enums.eKeyboardStates.Symbols1
b.TextColor = Colors.Black
Case Enums.eKeyboardStates.Symbols2
b.TextColor = Colors.Black
End Select
Case cKB.eSpecialKeyboardButtons.iDel
iSelEnd = General.getSelectionEnd(oEditText)
If cKB.bDeleteSQLWords Then
iSelStart = GetEndPreviousSQLWord(iSelEnd)
'iSelStart = iSelEnd - GetCurrentSQLWord.Length
iSelStart = General.getSelectionStart(oEditText)
End If
oEditText.Text = Delete(oEditText.Text, iSelStart, iSelEnd)
If iSelStart = iSelEnd And iSelStart > 0 Then
oEditText.SelectionStart = iSelStart - 1
If cKB.bDeleteSQLWords Then
If iSelStart > 0 Then
oEditText.SelectionStart = iSelStart - 1 '<<<
oEditText.SelectionStart = 0
End If
oEditText.SelectionStart = iSelStart
End If
End If
If iSelStart = 0 Then
bLongKeyboardKeyClick = False
End If
Case cKB.eSpecialKeyboardButtons.iSymbols
Select Case cKB.iKeyboardState
Case Enums.eKeyboardStates.LowerCase, Enums.eKeyboardStates.UpperCase, Enums.eKeyboardStates.UpperCaseFixed
Case Enums.eKeyboardStates.Symbols1, Enums.eKeyboardStates.Symbols2
Select Case cKB.iCaps
Case Enums.eCaps.iNone
Case Enums.eCaps.iTemp
Case Enums.eCaps.iFixed
End Select
End Select
Case cKB.eSpecialKeyboardButtons.iReturn
iSelStart = General.getSelectionStart(oEditText)
iSelEnd = General.getSelectionEnd(oEditText)
oEditText.Text = Insert(oEditText.Text, CRLF , iSelStart, iSelEnd)
oEditText.SelectionStart = iSelStart + 1
End Select
End If
iKeyboardButton_Click_Time = DateTime.Now
Sleep(0) 'this is needed otherwise this loop freezes!
  End If

End Sub

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I think you cant disable the context menu for every device. Some manufacturers use there own custom code to create the context menu. For a quick hack, you can clear the clipboard on edittext click/focus event.
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RB Smissaert

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I think you cant disable the context menu for every device. Some manufacturers use there own custom code to create the context menu. For a quick hack, you can clear the clipboard on edittext click/focus event.

> For a quick hack, you can clear the clipboard on edittext click/focus event.
I tried that with the Clipboard class (old library from 2011). It has the .clrText method, but it doesn't clear the clipboard
Had a search for clearing the clipboard, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way.

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I have tested this. Its working.
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim ph As Phone
If ph.SdkVersion > 27 Then
    jo.InitializeContext.RunMethodJO("getSystemService",Array As Object("clipboard")).RunMethod("clearPrimaryClip",Null)
    jo.InitializeContext.RunMethodJO("getSystemService",Array As Object("clipboard")).RunMethod("setText",Array As Object(""))
End If
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RB Smissaert

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I have tested this. Its working.
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim ph As Phone
If ph.SdkVersion > 27 Then
    jo.InitializeContext.RunMethodJO("getSystemService",Array As Object("clipboard")).RunMethod("clearPrimaryClip",Null)
    jo.InitializeContext.RunMethodJO("getSystemService",Array As Object("clipboard")).RunMethod("setText",Array As Object(""))
End If

I tried your code, but it doesn't clear the clipboard here on a Samsung S10.

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Run this after clearing the clipboard code. Check the log.
Log(jo.InitializeContext.RunMethodJO("getSystemService",Array As Object("clipboard")).RunMethod("getPrimaryClip",Null))
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RB Smissaert

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Run this after clearing the clipboard code. Check the log.
Log(jo.InitializeContext.RunMethodJO("getSystemService",Array As Object("clipboard")).RunMethod("getPrimaryClip",Null))

The log did show Null and that is what I expected. The problem is that on this phone there seems to be 16 clipboard items. I cleared them all manually
and then I don't see the Paste Clipboard dialog, but instead I see an Autofill dialog. So your code is not sufficient to clear all the clipboard items.

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The log did show Null and that is what I expected. The problem is that on this phone there seems to be 16 clipboard items. I cleared them all manually
and then I don't see the Paste Clipboard dialog, but instead I see an Autofill dialog. So your code is not sufficient to clear all the clipboard items.

That is all what android clipboard manager can do. Check the documentation.
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RB Smissaert

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I think you misunderstand, by adding a handler I meant something like:
Private Sub EditText1_LongClick
' discard
End Sub
IIRC, this works for me for suppressing the copy/paste dialog.

OK, I got you, but I still need the long_click event for repeated key actions, mainly the Del key.
Will check though if that stops my Paste/Clipboard dialog.

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