I am puzzled by the following code I wrote to compute the number of days between the current date and time, and a previous date and time: It returns exactly 1 day less than it should be. But, when I replace the line that starts with MyDate with the commented line and insert the current date and time instead of the variables, it returns the correct numbers of days between. Any tips will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Dim MyDateTime As Long
Dim txtDate, txtTime As String
Dim Datepr, MyDate As Long
Dim Ndays as double
MyDateTime = DateTime.Now
DateTime.DateFormat = "M/d/yyyy" 'example: 12/28/2011
DateTime.TimeFormat="h:mm:ss a" 'example: 6:29:17 PM
Msgbox(txtDate & " " & txtTime,"")
Datepr = DateTime.DateParse("12/24/2011") + DateTime.TimeParse("6:29:17 PM")
'MyDate = DateTime.DateParse("12/28/2011") + DateTime.TimeParse("6:29:17 PM") 'You enter the current date and time manually here.
MyDate = DateTime.DateParse(txtDate) + DateTime.TimeParse(txtTime)
Ndays=Round2((MyDate - Datepr)/1000/3600/24,1)