How to check Keyboard Mode (Fullsize / Halfsize)?


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Longtime User
Hi there,

is there a possibility to check which "keyboard-mode" is active? My Phones oder old Galaxy Tab raises the textfield and add a fullsize Keyboard to the bottom when entering a textfield, the big tabs show only the keyboard at the bottom with the normalbackground of the activity.

Is there a possibility to enter the keyboard always in fullsize?

Or other Question, is there a way to determine wether it would raise fullscreen or keyboard only? Then i can customize my app this way.

Best regards.


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Longtime User
Thanks Erel, I know this , but I couldn't find out how this can help me?

I can create a new panel for the input by click and adjust this with keyboard height which then is like the phone logic, ok fullscreen. Maybe the better way for me is the tab logic, the "non full screen mode". But how can I achieve this or is it not possible?

Again: Is there a way to determine wether the app automatically would raise fullscreen or keyboard only?

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Roger Garstang

Well-Known Member
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IME's AddHeightChangedEvent doesn't fire for the full screen keyboard.

You can use Reflection to turn off the full screen keyboard...not sure of a way to force it though. AddHeightChangedEvent still doesn't execute in the landscape/non-full screen keyboard on my devices though (One Phone and One Tablet that both show the full screen keyboard by default in Landscape).

ref.Target = YourEditBox
ref.RunMethod2("setImeOptions", 268435456, "") 'IME_FLAG_NO_EXTRACT_UI
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Longtime User
Hi, I managed my inputs for phones with fullscreen inputs and for tablets with non fullscreen inputs. But now we have bought a new phone (samsung galaxy note II | GT - N7105). Unfortunately we detected that this phone (replacement of our old samsung note) handle the input not typically like the old note or other phones by entering full screen input, it enters no fullscreen mode.

Is there a was how we can force entering full screen input mode for devices with special messurements?

Regards Silentsea
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