Android Question How to cleanup cache memory


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Longtime User
Hi all,
having a hard time with memory mess up.. the first time I run a bluetooth test app it works fine, the
second time it connects normally but no transmission or receive until I restart the device.

Any clue? thanks in advance..


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi Erel, and thanks for the timely response..
I was communicating with a PC via bt module, using this communication tool ..
everything is fine.. I could close the b4a app and open it again without problem..
but when I close the communication utility application, (not just close the port) in the PC and run it again,
then I must also restart the b4a app as well. because the b4a connects successfully to the
bt module but there is no info exchanged between the module and the PC.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
That's right.. I know the connection is established because the bt module's LED stops flashing and steady.
but then no data is shown on the Commix terminal.. can't send data eather. -No error message.
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yea.. ive experienced the exact same thing..
after 2-3 times of using my blue tooth chat.. unless i restart the phone. . no data gets in/out!?

i feel .. it may be cz we're not closing the connection properly or the blu tooth object is not being ended correctly. . not sure..
waiting for a right response
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