Android Question How to convert a byte to a single "byte" 0..255?


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Bytes here are numbers ranging form -127...128 (or so). I need to send a number like 199 as a single "byte" to a another device that understands a byte as a number ranging from 0...255).
I found here that x=Bit.AND(199, 0xFF) does the conversion. But how to dim x in order to obtain that single "byte"?


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Hi Erel,

IN Electronics, it is very difficult to think in decimal values.. we either think in binary or in hex.. in fact hex is only a representation of a binary value in a short form. So if I want to close relays 1 to 4, open relay 5 and 6 and close relays 7 and 8, I can immediately define the binary value that's 0x30 (00110000) but it is very difficult to use decimal (or integer) if it's possible at all, it needs a lot of imagination. In VB we use something like MSComm1.Output = &h30.. I can immediately see the binary equivalent, and know which relays will be open and which will be closed.
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Thanks Steve..
You mean can just write: outputstream.writebytes(0x30) ?

That's easy
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Longtime User
Outputstream.writebytes requires a byte array, so you would have to do:

outputstream.writebytes(Array As byte(0x30) ,0,1)
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The literal 0x30 is just that, it doesn't have to be Dimmed, it passes it's value to whatever variable you assign it to so:

Dim a As Int = 0x30

Dim s As String = 0x30

Will both output 48
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