One of my users send me the following error when he use my application. I do not have this error on my tablet.
How can I know where the error come from ?
I have an idea : the application uses 5 panels wich fill all the screen : the user can switch from one to another one by buttons.
One of these panels uses a lot of bitmaps. It has no interaction with the other panels
How can I replace something like
by open the panel in an other process ?
One of my users send me the following error when he use my application. I do not have this error on my tablet.
How can I know where the error come from ?
I have an idea : the application uses 5 panels wich fill all the screen : the user can switch from one to another one by buttons.
One of these panels uses a lot of bitmaps. It has no interaction with the other panels
How can I replace something like
pnl1.Visible = false
pnlBitmap.Visible = true