How to draw on a bitmap as shown below (can draw like point A to B)?
And can be saved and undo.
Does anyone have the full code?
I found some code, but could not combine
And can be saved and undo.
Does anyone have the full code?
I found some code, but could not combine
'Make a new copy of the existing bitmap and save it
Dim bt As Bitmap
Dim cv As Canvas
'Dim rect1 As Rect
Select action
Case Activity.ACTION_DOWN
x1 = X
y1 = Y
c.DrawCircle(x1, y1, Radius, LineColor, True, 1dip)
rect1.Left = x1 - Radius
rect1.Top = y1 - Radius
rect1.Right = rect1.Left + LineWidth
rect1.Bottom = rect1.Top + LineWidth
Case Activity.ACTION_MOVE
x2 = X
y2 = Y
c.DrawCircle(x1, y1, Radius, LineColor, True, 1)
c.DrawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, LineColor, LineWidth)
rect1.Left = Min(x1, x2) - Radius
rect1.Top = Min(y1, y2) - Radius
rect1.Right = Max(x1, x2) + LineWidth
rect1.Bottom = Max(y1, y2) + LineWidth
x1 = x2
y1 = y2
End Select