How to get some information of device?


hello sir:

I want to get some information of device:the battery level,,,etc.
but I don't find any sub.
the mrotscript have "current battery","free memory","total memory","systemversion"....
basic4ppc haven't..?

help me...:sign0085:
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Active Member
Licensed User
You can get all that information using the hardware library.
Read the help file if you don't know how to use it.
The Mortscript language has all the functions that Basic4PPC has, And for a while I've even suspected that Mortscript was written in Basic4PPC. It would be possible.


thanks a lot for your reply.I don't find any more.the hardware.dll have:
Reading the device id.
- Preventing the back light from suspending.
- Preventing the device from suspending.
- Run an application at a certain time or after a certain event.
- Send keystrokes to the focused control.
- Catch the hardware buttons using HardKey object.
- Finding all mounted storage cards.
- Clipboard operations.
- Finding the .Net version.
- Managed memory operations.
- Finding the path of special folders (like windows folder).
- SIP (Soft Input Panel) hide / show event and SIP height.
- ShowTodayScreen method which can help in creating background running applications.
- ChangeInputMode - (Smartphones only) Changes the input mode.
- Change Bluetooth mode.
- Send windows messages to controls (device and desktop).

but I don't find the "battery level"....
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Licensed User
How to get some information of device? Reply

Even I need help to how to obtain certain information from the device.

For the Battery status I solve with dzHW Library developed by Dimitris Zacharakis (thank he a lot for this).

I need to obtain information about total memory and used for: Program, Storage and SD Memory, and also on the version of Windows.

I know that a lot of information about the device harware status is stored in the registry, but I believe that in order to obtain updated information on the state of memory is required external library.

I have not found informations about this in the forum.
Any suggestions is appreciated.