Android Question How to group and identify B4xviews inside the customlistview?


Active Member

Assuming I created a panel which contains an imageview and a label, like the image of a person and his name, and I put it inside the listview as cell item, then I used it again, this time for another person, how can I identify them so that when I click either of them, I can see, for instance, their details?

In case the question is unclear, assuming I have panel1 which contains image1 and label. I used the panel as cell item in customlistview and it contains the picture and name of "john smith". Then, I added another list, this time its, "john travolta." Now, I want to click john smith, either its label or image so that I can for instance see the details of john smith. Assuming I have a database for these two people and each of them has unique ID, where should I put the ID when I create the cell item to identify them? Should I use the tag property of the label and put the ID there or is there another more appropriate way?