How to hide and show the home button?


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If I read well the post, your problem is not with the Home button but with the Menu button (its right name is "Overflow button"). You can hide or show the navigation bar as a whole (or dim its buttons), but not each button individually. And unfortunately for you, the only way to make the overflow button appear on the navigation bar is to run your app in legacy mode. That means that your targetSdkVersion in the manifest has to be < 11.
Since Honeycomb, "menus" are considered as deprecated and should be removed from all apps as explained here:
Say Goodbye to the Menu Button | Android Developers Blog
The action bar (at the top of the window) is now the place where the user selects what to do. And the overflow button is just there for actions that cannot fit on the bar or for uncommon actions not wanted on screen.
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Active Member
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Longtime User
If I read well the post, your problem is not with the Home button but with the Menu button (its right name is "Overflow button"). You can hide or show the navigation bar as a whole (or dim its buttons), but not each button individually. And unfortunately for you, the only way to make the overflow button appear on the navigation bar is to run your app in legacy mode. That means that your targetSdkVersion in the manifest has to be < 11.
Since Honeycomb, "menus" are considered as deprecated and should be removed from all apps as explained here:
Say Goodbye to the Menu Button | Android Developers Blog
The action bar (at the top of the window) is now the place where the user selects what to do. And the overflow button is just there for actions that cannot fit on the bar or for uncommon actions not wanted on screen.

Dear Informatix, I apologize to you and Erel, why I wrote Home instead of Menu , maybe I was drunk. :sign0013:

However, it seems that there is no solution to my problem. :BangHead:

Thank you for your help.
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