Android Question How to install B4A on a new computer

William Bligh

New Member
Licensed User
I've got an old Windows Vista machine that my current version of B4A is installed but I want to uninstall it from this and put it on my main laptop. I've installed B4A on the new machine and it instantly asks for a B4A-Licence and looks in Documents for it.
I've looked on the original install computer and can't see where this file is and don't to uninstall it until I know what I may need from it to get my new installation to work. I am a registered user.

William Bligh

New Member
Licensed User
Thanks for the help. I found the file, put it on my new install and got "Licence version is invalid (older version)". This makes sense as I hadn't updated it for a little while (I think my install was v4.9) and the new install is the latest one I'd been sent by email. I then tried to update B4A on my existing computer only to now get the same message. Anything anyone can think of or is it now time to email support?
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William Bligh

New Member
Licensed User
Thank you for the help. I did an incremental install of b4a going back through my emails and I found that v5.2 would work but v5.5 would not work with the licence I had. I never install the betas but I noticed in v5.5 beta email there is a new licence that came with it. So installed v5.8, used this licence and now everything is up and running on my new machine and uninstalled on the old one.
Thanks again for everyone's help.
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