How to learn foreign vocabulary


Licensed User
Here is my second creation : a program that helps children to remember foreign vocabulary.

This message contains the last version of my program.
Improovments :
  • Several languages possible (thanks Klaus)
  • Images in the modification form and no more texts

First, he must enter new words he learns at school, and then the program ask him questions : it gives the word in the native language, and the child must type it in the foreign language.
There are three ways of asking questions :
- the random way
- all the words one after the other
- starting with the most "difficult" words. This way is possible because the program remembers the good and the bad answers, so it can choose the words with the max difference between right an wrong answers.

A helpfile is included (sorry it's in french like the rest of the app)

My thread contains the source code.

The install.exe is on my website :

Please, tell me what you think about it...
I'm open for any improovment you could suggest.

Thank you.


  • vocabulaire.sbp
    17 KB · Views: 323
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Bonjour Pascal,

You will also find translations in English for this program.
The same principle as for the Operations program.
Two text files and a Word file.

Some suggestions for this program:
- for a certain number of buttons use image buttons instead of text, this is universal no translations needed (ex. Begin Previuous, Next, End, Save).
- for modifying and adding words, why not use one form with the table with two textboxes and the necessary buttons and search functions (instead of three forms), where you can select the word and modify it or enter new words and add them and still have the overview.

Best regards


    5.5 KB · Views: 355


Licensed User

Thank you Klaus for your translation.
Your job is really very fast !

Concerning your suggestion about image buttons, I surery don't understand why no translation is needed : if I make an image button "next", why will I not be obliged to make one with a "suivant" image ?

Best regards,



Licensed User

Hello everybody

I've edited the first message in this thread with the new version of my application.

Improovments :

* Several languages possible (thanks Klaus)
* Images in the modification form and no more texts