Android Question How to make a 2 dimension scroll list?


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Hello, I need to implement a 2 dimension scrolling in xclv. I am looking for ideas how to do it.

So the problem:
1. I have students that writting tests in a school year.
2.. I need to scroll up - down and left - right
3. I want to freeze 1st column with name not to scroll left - right
4. I don;t know how many columns i have in every class
5. I need something to work both in B4A and B4i

I was thinking about a large xclv witch every line second xclv but i don't know if i can scroll all lines left - right at the same time.
The B4XTable is an other option but it doens't scroll up-down

Here is an example of an array from excel sheet.


Thank you very much
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This is what I use for my on-device BasicIDE development environment. It is a simplified version of this

EDIT: Forgot to mention it requires the Scrollview2D library.


  • Table2D.bas
    27.3 KB · Views: 189
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Sorry, didn't notice that you wanted to use it in B4i as well. Table2D is B4A only I'm afraid. Also it can't fix the first column which would be quite a task to implement which is probably easiest to do with a single column table to the left of the main one but synchronised in vertical scroll which you can probably do using the ScrollChanged events.
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