Android Question How to open the default drawer by code


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I am using this:
Activity.AddMenuItem("Login", "login")
I have removed the default StdActionBar for a Panel, since the Action bar is lacking in functions
However the drawer menu is important, I replaced it using a button and want to open the menu


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If you are using a button then does it work with button_Click ?
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Licensed User
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Are you using B4XPages?
Why not use B4XDrawer?

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Well-Known Member
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Are you using B4XPages?
Why not use B4XDrawer?

I am not using B4XPages, this project is older and very big.

I was using the StdActionBar, I removed it in order to use a simple panel and that I can draw more controls on it...

Can I use the B4XDrawer on it?

Otherwise how can I force to open the standard drawer menu?
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just FYI, Activity.OpenMenu will open your menu. when you click on your button, call it. in my case, it opens from the bottom of the screen (which may not be what you want), but it does open. there might be a setting you can access to get it to move itself to the upper right, but i was satisfied as is.
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is it possible to open the drawer in the right side, using the library that comes with the b4a already?
Not with the library, but with this modified class:
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