Android Question How to program a DJI follow me mission?

Someone knows or did on the past an app to make a Mini 2 or Mini SE doing a Follow Me mission with the DJI library? I can't get it right, I saw a "tutorial" with virtual sticks but I can't understand where should I put that code, help please.


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The DJI Mini 2 doesn’t come with ActiveTrack or any kind of obstacle avoidance. In fact, it doesn’t have any sensors at all on the front to detect obstacles coming towards it. However perhaps you can try to use the different Quickshot modes to create a limited imitated function based on the following modes:
  • Dronie – The drone flies backward and ascends with the camera locked on your subject.
  • Circle – The drone circles around your subject at a constant altitude and distance.
  • Helix – The drone ascends, spiraling around your subject.
  • Rocket – The drone flies straight up with the camera locked on your subject.
So the question is what have you already achieved yourself and how do you think you can achieve that with the DJI library, do you get it working and where are you stuck?
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Thanks for your help, but I don't understand where I have to put that code provided by the tutorial, is there any chance you can give me a file example of your project to understand how should I program the virtual sticks?
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