Android Question How to recieve data and save it?

An Schi

Well-Known Member
Licensed User
Hey Forum!

A few days ago i downloaded B4A trial and started playing with it. My prior coding experiences are only a bit of html and php, so please forgive me my newbi question ;)

I'm doing my own little tutorials with small aims, like populating ListViews and Spinners, etc. Everything went fine so far.
Now i want to go one step ahead: I want to get data from a websource, permanently save this data into the app and then use it. This little project should look like this:

Four buttons and one Label.
Recieve eight textstrings from the web.
Permanently save those strings into the app
Set Button1.Text = String1
Set Button2.Text = String2
Set Button3.Text = String3
Set Button4.Text = String4
When Button1_Click
Set Label1.Text = String 5
When Button2_Click
Set Label1.Text = String 6
When Button3_Click
Set Label1.Text = String 7
When Button4_Click
Set Label1.Text = String 8

Making the button click events and setting the textes shouldn't be a probelm.
But i don't know how i should do the webcommunication and how to store the strings into the app.
I did some forum searches, but i cannot find my starting point (maybe also because i'm not sure which search terms to use).

My questions are:
What options do i have in general to do the webcommunication?
What options do i have in general to store data permanently in the app?
In this special usecase, what options would you choose?

I would be also happy if you would give me some links to up-to-date tutorials associated to my questions.

Thx for your help! :)