B4J Question How To Reference Map from Main Form in Other Forms


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In the attached project, I have a form one can use (win_RecipientsListManager) to manage a couple of maps defined in the main form (B4XMainPage). I am actually passing the maps via a sub at the moment, then using ShowForm. However, I'm not sure that is the best way to utilize that data.

When I open the win_RecipientsListManager, I'd like to affect the activeMap and archiveMap. I'm guessing I'll need to make a reference back to B4XMainPage, but I'm stuck on getting that done.

How can I make use of variables and subs in the main form from sub-forms?

Using the attached project:
1. Run the B4J app.
2. Click the "Load Recipients..." button and select the MOCK_DATA.csv
3. Click the "Manage..." button
4. The arrow buttons are supposed to transfer from one map to the other (in the direction of the arrow). However, I don't have a reference to either map. Do I get that by making them public in B4XMainPage? That doesn't seem right, but what's the SOP on making use of main-form variables and subs from child-forms?


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