Android Question How to show AnotherDatePicker


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I am programing an interfase to capture and save data about customers. One field to capture is contract date. I found that the AnotherDatePicker is the best control to this task, because it is only necesary to capture the date and send it to a text box.
My first question is: is it true that this is the better datepicker for this case?
My second question is:how can I call the datepicker from a textbox, once it gains the focus?
My interfase is on a data.bal file and I added to the project a date.bal file to show the datepicker.


Licensed User
Longtime User
My first question is: is it true that this is the better datepicker for this case?
Maybe. Maybe not.
My second question is:how can I call the datepicker from a textbox, once it gains the focus?
i dont know whether the ADP can be used for EditTexts too or not. Maybe you need to use a label like in the example and then you take the value from the edit... You can take the focus eventsub from the edittext to call the ADP though when the edittext get the focus.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Maybe. Maybe not.

i dont know whether the ADP can be used for EditTexts too or not. Maybe you need to use a label like in the example and then you take the value from the edit... You can take the focus eventsub from the edittext to call the ADP though when the edittext get the focus.

Thank for you early answer guys

I was trying to do this:
1. from textbox1__FocusChanged event, show the calendar (layout anotherdatepicker)
2. select the desired date on the calendar
3. receive in a magical form the date in textbox1

Now I know that life is not so easy.
I think that I need to use the ADP object in my main layout, to call the layout with the calendar, and then read the date from the ADP with maybe ADP.GetDate.

If this is the way, how can I add the ADP control to my main layout? I only know how to load regular controls.
If this in not the way, can someone send me an example of an application using the anotherdatepicker?

The name "anotherdatepicker" sounds like at the beginning of the times existed a firstdatepicker. Where is this control?

Another question: Is there a library containing the anotherdatepicker?
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