How to start programming Server-Client


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Longtime User
Hi all,
if I have text1.txt in PC as server and use tablet to be Client.How to start programming Server-Client.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
Do you want to download the file?

No,Can I use Android tablet as a part of network?
Everyone can access text1.txt ,someone read items while other can write or delete items in the file.

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Longtime User
Not directly. You can build a web server and run it on the desktop. The web server will allow the clients to send and receive data. PHP and MySQL should be considered for the desktop server.

Hi Erel,

Is way to set peer to peer between Widget on tablet?

Best Regards
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Well-Known Member
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If the tablets support Bluetooth and you need to share data where the tablets are in close proximity then that would be the easiest approach.

An alternative approach where the tablets are on a local network is to use Multicast DNS to discover other devices. This is what Apples Bonjour service uses. The problem with this is that mDNS is not supported on all Android devices.

There is a mDNS libraryfor Java which would be a starting point.

Otherwise as Erel says you will need some sort of server.
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