I used some example from the community to define the current location
The code was working fine, and suddenly it started to fail indicating that the List has only 10 elements so the index 12,13 are out of range.
Is there any documentation to define which element of the "mylist" includes the Latitude, and which contains the longitude. I tried to use the last 2 elements, however, they do not provide the location... Any help is appreciated. Thanks
myList = lm.findLastLocation("null") 'update the info to the latest available
'lm is ESLocation2 object
LatTxt.Text = NumberFormat(myList.Get(12), 0, 9)
LonTxt.Text = NumberFormat(myList.Get(13), 0, 9)
The code was working fine, and suddenly it started to fail indicating that the List has only 10 elements so the index 12,13 are out of range.
Is there any documentation to define which element of the "mylist" includes the Latitude, and which contains the longitude. I tried to use the last 2 elements, however, they do not provide the location... Any help is appreciated. Thanks