http calls threshold or known limitations?


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currently my project has 5 data classes which go out and make http GETS and POSTS for data on app startup. These classes are managed by a datacontroller class which manages the initial calls and the callbacks for each class. Each class uses httputils2 for http calls and is making between 2 and 10 http requests. Everything is working fine with the exception of the following:

If all 5 classes make their http requests at the same time, meaning my datacontroller class tells them all go fetch data which inherently means each class makes httputils async calls pretty much in parallel. The calls don't come back, the unfiltered logs are clean, the dataready events never fire. This behavior is consistent across multiple devices. Its almost as though there is some thread blocking occurring but I can't see within the b4a framework to catch it. I assumed thread blocking would not be an issue with httputils2, callsubdelayed and the messaging framework its using. Could this be the issue?

The work around is that I have the datacontroller class firing off only 2 classes request for data at a time, once the classes fire their dataready events, the data controller class then fires the next classes(sequential instead of all parallel).

Im using b4a version 2.02, firing events between classes using callsubdelayed.

All is working good now however before I start adding more data classes, I want to know what threshold or limit I have reached to have caused such behavior.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated
