I hvae used your great GPS example, but I would like to post the coordinates to my server.
It works perfect when the PDA is connected with Active Sync.
But it does not seem to work if the PDA is connected via GPRS.
I have chekked that IE on the PDA works with the GPRS.
Also is it possible to get the program to initiated the GPRS connected if it is not online ?
I'm using a Symbol MC35 with WM 5.0
My code is like this:
Sub Button2_click
url1 = "http://gpstrack.xxx.dk/?domain=lasse&device_id=test&longitude="
url1 = url1 & GPS.DecimalLongitude & "&latitude=" & GPS.DecimalLatitude
Response.Value = Request.GetResponse 'This line calls the server and gets the response.
End Sub
If anyone can help me that would pe appriciated a lot!
I hvae used your great GPS example, but I would like to post the coordinates to my server.
It works perfect when the PDA is connected with Active Sync.
But it does not seem to work if the PDA is connected via GPRS.
I have chekked that IE on the PDA works with the GPRS.
Also is it possible to get the program to initiated the GPRS connected if it is not online ?
I'm using a Symbol MC35 with WM 5.0
My code is like this:
Sub Button2_click
url1 = "http://gpstrack.xxx.dk/?domain=lasse&device_id=test&longitude="
url1 = url1 & GPS.DecimalLongitude & "&latitude=" & GPS.DecimalLatitude
Response.Value = Request.GetResponse 'This line calls the server and gets the response.
End Sub
If anyone can help me that would pe appriciated a lot!