I have some code in Basic4PPC which fetches a web-page (a URL to which I add parameters) which I thereafter use for parsing.
When trying the same in Basic4Android, it will only return the fetched page partially (it seems to fetch only the html-body) and then it stops. Same page loads nicely in B4A Webview but there is no way I can read the HTML-source in WebView for parsing the result.
In Basic4PPC I use the HTTP-library. Part of the code used to retrieve the data is as follows:
Here is a snippet of the code used in Basic4Android:
Both in B4PPC and B4A, I use Response.GetString to collect the data.
I don't know much about HTTP Post, HTTP Get and I can't understand why in B4PPC I get all data while in B4A only partial data. It seems like the two HTTP-libraries are behaving differently.
I read that in B4A the HttpRequest is asynchronous. I don't know about B4PPC. Could this be the problem? If I want to make a synchronous HttpRequest, how do I do it?
Can I use any other method to see if I can retrieve the whole amount of data? If yes, a short example would be nice since, as I already said, I don't know much about HTTP-stuff.
BTW: the B4A HTTP-library is version 1.08 which I guess is the latest
Many thanks in advance for your help.
When trying the same in Basic4Android, it will only return the fetched page partially (it seems to fetch only the html-body) and then it stops. Same page loads nicely in B4A Webview but there is no way I can read the HTML-source in WebView for parsing the result.
In Basic4PPC I use the HTTP-library. Part of the code used to retrieve the data is as follows:
Sub GetText
URL="http://" & main.myIPAddress & ":" & main.myport & "/getMultiEPG?ref=4097:7:0:dbe02:0:0:0:0:0:0:/var/tuxbox/config/enigma/userbouquet.dbe02.tv"
' 4097:7:0:dbe02....... is a parameter I add to the URL
If main.UsernameToUse="" OR main.PasswordToUse ="" Then
request.New3(URL, main.UsernameToUse,main.PasswordToUse)
End If
Return String
End Sub
Here is a snippet of the code used in Basic4Android:
Sub GetEPGData
Dim URL_EPGDATA_E1 As String
Dim request As HttpRequest
Dim myIP As String
myIP = main.BoxIP
URL_EPGDATA_E1="http://" & myIP & ":" & main.BoxPort & "/getMultiEPG?ref=4097:7:0:dbe02:0:0:0:0:0:0:/var/tuxbox/config/enigma/userbouquet.dbe02.tv"
request.Timeout = 5000
If HttpGetEPGData.ExecuteCredentials(request,1,main.BoxUser,main.BoxPassword)=False Then Return
End Sub
Sub HttpGetEPGData_ResponseSuccess (Response As HttpResponse, TaskId As Int)
Dim myEPGDataReply As String
End sub
Both in B4PPC and B4A, I use Response.GetString to collect the data.
I don't know much about HTTP Post, HTTP Get and I can't understand why in B4PPC I get all data while in B4A only partial data. It seems like the two HTTP-libraries are behaving differently.
I read that in B4A the HttpRequest is asynchronous. I don't know about B4PPC. Could this be the problem? If I want to make a synchronous HttpRequest, how do I do it?
Can I use any other method to see if I can retrieve the whole amount of data? If yes, a short example would be nice since, as I already said, I don't know much about HTTP-stuff.
BTW: the B4A HTTP-library is version 1.08 which I guess is the latest
Many thanks in advance for your help.