Hello community,
I have a doubt here... Using httpJob I know how to send a POST using parameters map (postMultiPart) and even to send a file. But now I have a post request listed in PostMan constructed in this way:
In "body" , raw data, something like this:
How do I code this using traditional "map" architecture in httpjob.postmultipart ? (usually is something like this):
Will that work ? (a multi level map simulating the raw json requested by the api in body)? If no, how is the code to send a json in "body" using httpJob (considering also that in postMan test the selected method is "POST", the link has the parameter access_token in it and the json data is configured in section "body->raw"
does anybody have any experience with that?
I have a doubt here... Using httpJob I know how to send a POST using parameters map (postMultiPart) and even to send a file. But now I have a post request listed in PostMan constructed in this way:
In "body" , raw data, something like this:
"notification_url": "https://notreturn.com/res/mp.php",
"external-reference" : "123456789",
"items" : [
"payment_methods": {
"excluded_payment_types": [
{ "id": "ticket" },
{ "id" : "bank_transfer" }
"back_urls" {
"auto_return": "all"
How do I code this using traditional "map" architecture in httpjob.postmultipart ? (usually is something like this):
Dim job as httpJob
Dim postMap as map
Dim itemsList as List
Dim item1 as Map
Dim link as string = "https://api.serviceprovider.xpto/preferences?token=3434-cdf3-sd2ws-fgrt54t-sdfdf" <- notice that I used the link with "token" parameter even in POST method
Will that work ? (a multi level map simulating the raw json requested by the api in body)? If no, how is the code to send a json in "body" using httpJob (considering also that in postMan test the selected method is "POST", the link has the parameter access_token in it and the json data is configured in section "body->raw"
does anybody have any experience with that?