Hi there,
I am having a very intriguing situation. That is causing me some troubles.
I am using HttpUtils2 to post http requests against a web server that I have made.
It is working for months that. However I was using a simplistic communication, controlled more by event from the user, so, if the post fails the user retry again and I never know it is happening. Said that, I have no history if that is a problem that is happening already or not.
I see that hardware play a role on this, since in my test lab I never saw this post fail. However in one customer installation I see that happening one time in each 10 attempts. Even replacing some of the hardware on the testing, I was trying to find where the problem was. For me it seemed to be that the wireless spectrum on that place could be noisy, since many (way much more than 11) wireless networks were available.
On my quiet country side test lab no problem like that happens. Or if happens is so rare that I did not pay attention.
My problem is that I based my communication at this time on the fact that using wifi would be reliable. Since I am considering strong wifi signal always, no barriers, and some other predefined configured setting to make sure that the network would be more close as wired. Of course if it was 3G I could not do that.
I have add the getMyWIFIIp before each httputils.poststring to check if the wifi is connected, and it always returns the correct wifi IP for that tablet.
For "fail" I mean that posting the string nothing is get on the server side. There is no post or any connection from the tablet on the server side, like never existed.
After some second the timeout happens on the tablet for a new attempt.
What can I do to check or force in order to minimize this situation?
I am having a very intriguing situation. That is causing me some troubles.
I am using HttpUtils2 to post http requests against a web server that I have made.
It is working for months that. However I was using a simplistic communication, controlled more by event from the user, so, if the post fails the user retry again and I never know it is happening. Said that, I have no history if that is a problem that is happening already or not.
I see that hardware play a role on this, since in my test lab I never saw this post fail. However in one customer installation I see that happening one time in each 10 attempts. Even replacing some of the hardware on the testing, I was trying to find where the problem was. For me it seemed to be that the wireless spectrum on that place could be noisy, since many (way much more than 11) wireless networks were available.
On my quiet country side test lab no problem like that happens. Or if happens is so rare that I did not pay attention.
My problem is that I based my communication at this time on the fact that using wifi would be reliable. Since I am considering strong wifi signal always, no barriers, and some other predefined configured setting to make sure that the network would be more close as wired. Of course if it was 3G I could not do that.
I have add the getMyWIFIIp before each httputils.poststring to check if the wifi is connected, and it always returns the correct wifi IP for that tablet.
For "fail" I mean that posting the string nothing is get on the server side. There is no post or any connection from the tablet on the server side, like never existed.
After some second the timeout happens on the tablet for a new attempt.
What can I do to check or force in order to minimize this situation?