Android Question I cannot insert an recent device camera taken image to Customlistview panel


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Hi everybody

I'm asking for help again please due to I cannot catch where to insert my recent taken photo into my custonlistview panel, I managed to created, insert a 102 checklist's concepts in order to supervise them all, but at the moment I declare myself unable to find the right program flow to insert the instruction that assigns the image to the imageview without duplicate it in all of the 102 concepts.
My intention is to have up to three downsized images for each and every concept, I understand that the best solution is to take the pictures, upload them all to a cloud service or web server and to pickup one and downsize or sampling of this one and show it in the imageviews in the front of the listview, but also to have another layout where I can show the 3 images downsized and add a zone where the user can write some notes about this particular task.
Please, can somebody help to find the right way to properly insert the images?, I've attached the project, as I've seen in another posts, to make easier this issue. I'll thank all the help you could provide me and I'll be in touch to receive your wise advise.
I've used another project as a starting point and modify it for my personal project, in order to show the slide menu, you have to press the upper left side of the bar with the logo title, and select the option 2, please

Best regards



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