Android Question Best way to select an image taken by another app?


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Longtime User
I'm developing an App that needs to be able to select an image file from the device storage. The image will be on there from two possible places, it could have been taken by a camera app or it could have been downloaded onto the device somehow.

Two possible solutions would work for me, they are:

1. Have my app appear in the Share menu of other apps when they select an image to share. I've seen pages on here that talk about creating file Shares to send other apps but I couldn't find anything about receiving files from other apps Share activity


2. Display a basic thumbnail viewer of all the image files in a folder. I managed to make myself a basic little one but it had memory problems. I used the Scrollview example I found but it crashed when given a folder of lots of large high-res images. I was led to believe it was a memory issue.

Any advice would be much appreciated.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Ok thanks, hadn't heard of the Content Chooser.

Done some googling and found threads that ask questions about it but nothing clear about what library it's in and how to set it up. Can I get a recommendation of a thread to look at to begin with please?
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