I vote for agraham!


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Simply the most useful forum member by far, for this month!
One library and many many many many useful posts helping other members!


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Erel, can I give an equally weighing vote each for agraham and dzt?
If you said 'one vote only', then I'm in trouble :sign0152:


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Credit where credit is due, and you've definately earn't it mate.
But not lets forget Cableguy, Dzt and of course Erel :sign0188:
Plus there are plenty of others that offer a helping hand on a regular basis :sign0098:



Active Member
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Hi all,

When I've started this thread it was not to give credits to everyone that deserves it (there are plenty of them), but to focus to agraham's very important work especially for this month (look at his posts!).

There is something more I should mention.
Agraham's posts, if you read them carefully, needs strong theoretical knowledge, time to well understand the question, a lot of time for searching, a lot of time time for testing and a lot of time for posting!

And for all the above he won my :sign0188: (at least for this period of time, lets see you next next month agraham:))

And ... didn't count Erel. Did you ever see anyone to say thanks and well done to Microsoft?:)


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Avoiding lawyers QUOTE]

Does this mean that your intentions regarding "deal or no deal" are defenetly terminated???
Dahm....I was really crossing my fingers for you...


I agree width dzt, agraham's reply's show a lot of work and time needed...My cheers to you...and also to all who keep contributing to the forum good participation level...

Dzt said that he never seen nobody tankuing M$, well, at least for the fun factor, I THANK YOU EREL, these have benn the best spendt times,( and according to my wife I do spend a lot of time) in the internet, doing something I like and helping other along the way whenever the opportunity araises...
(Thankuing Erel? he must be crazy!!! well maybe not...)