Android Question ideas for an in-app help system?

Dave O

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One of my apps has the occasional "Details" link that opens a message box to explain something in more detail.

However, as the app grows, I'm feeling the need for a more comprehensive help system (how to, concepts, FAQ, etc.).

Has anyone come up with something good for this?

Some ideas so far:
- a custom dialog that loads local text files with some kind of markup to style and interlink them
- a webview that loads HTML pages from my server (or shows local content if there's no network connection)
- a URL that opens a browser to show server-based HTML pages (so I can update them without touching the app)



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A similar question has been discussed earlier.
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Robert Valentino

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Just saw your posting - hope not too late to reply.

I use to have a complete help system (html pages) that I would install unzip a archive on first starting on a new device.
But, every-time I wanted to update something, it required a release (was trying to do this without having a dedicated server)

So, with my new release I decided to change things.

Now, I download a file from FirebaseStorage and build a popup menu (I wrote a popup module) and when the user clicks on an entry I download a PDF and show it.
After trying html pages I found that PDF pages resize and show better on all device sizes (just my opinion)
I used to use word to make my html pages now I use word to make pdf pages

All the PDF pages are stored on Firebasestorage and not the users device - makes updating the help easier (could do the same with html pages)

Attaching a screen shot of my App (if you want to see how it looks for real - my app is free on Google and you can install it and see how it works : Bowling Brackets
Also attaching the file that gets downloaded when I start and builds the popup menu. Simple stuff

Not sure if any of this helps.


  • HepHowTo.jpg
    121.1 KB · Views: 144
  • howto_index.txt
    1.6 KB · Views: 154
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- a URL that opens a browser to show server-based HTML pages (so I can update them without touching the app)
I've used this approach for my apps. Pros: 1. Same help info is available in both your app and on your website. 2. You only need to change one single place for any updates. Cons: Devices need to be connected to the internet.
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