Hi Erel , and people wonder if you could help me, I am using the iEventKit Library however using a Picker to parse in the Date and time to what I assume will work with the Reminder Object, .. see below
It says it expects a long date, however its not reading in the Picker selection, I release every time the picker changes it changes on the
however I have the above code in a function that is on a set button as follows.
any help thank you very much
Dim r As Reminder = store.CreateReminder
r.Title = ModalTxtFld1.Text
r.Completed = False
r.SetDueDate(DateTime.Date(DatePicker1.Ticks) & DateTime.Time(DatePicker1.Ticks),False)
It says it expects a long date, however its not reading in the Picker selection, I release every time the picker changes it changes on the
however I have the above code in a function that is on a set button as follows.
Sub BtnModal1_Click
Dim r As Reminder = store.CreateReminder
r.Title = ModalTxtFld1.Text
r.Completed = False
r.SetDueDate(DateTime.Date(DatePicker1.Ticks) & DateTime.Time(DatePicker1.Ticks),False)
modalAddreminder.Visible = False
End Sub
any help thank you very much