First of all I have these globals
When I click on a button called btnContinue I want to make the Table (panel) unvisible and go to a next page with the scvFiche as visible.
This is not so hard of course.
Now my question is I need to make an If and Then statement that says.
If (table is selected) then
table.visible = false
scvfiche.visible = true
msgbox("You need to select one or more employees to continue","Error")
end if
something like that. The table is selected is wrong of course but what should I use make this happen?
I thought about using colors because if a row is selected it turns lightgray if not it's white. But this doesn't work of course..
Any ideas?
I can post my project if requested
First of all I have these globals
Dim scvList As ScrollView
Dim Table As Panel
Dim scvFiche as panel
Dim SelectedItems As Map
Dim NumberOfColumns,RowHeight, RowHeight_1 As Int
Type RowCol (Row As Int, Col As Int)
Dim LineColor As Int
Dim ColumnWidth(3) As Int
Dim ColumnWidth_1(3) As Int
Dim ColLineWidth, RowLineWidth As Int
Dim SelectedRow As Int
Dim SelectedRowColor As Int : SelectedRowColor = Colors.blue
Dim pnlBtnWerknemers As Panel
When I click on a button called btnContinue I want to make the Table (panel) unvisible and go to a next page with the scvFiche as visible.
This is not so hard of course.
Now my question is I need to make an If and Then statement that says.
If (table is selected) then
table.visible = false
scvfiche.visible = true
msgbox("You need to select one or more employees to continue","Error")
end if
something like that. The table is selected is wrong of course but what should I use make this happen?
I thought about using colors because if a row is selected it turns lightgray if not it's white. But this doesn't work of course..
Any ideas?
I can post my project if requested