Android Question Image Overlay - Two layouts or panels?


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I am writing a very basic "picture frame" application. It will display random photos from my collection. I would like to touch the photo and have various transparent icons display such as Back, Settings, Info. I am not sure of the best way to achieve this and would appreciate input. Currently, I have a layout with the full screen photo as an ImageView. I have a second layout that has the transparent icons. When you touch the photo, the overlay appears (Activity.LoadLayout("Overlay") but I can't interact with it. I've read that panels might be the way to go. I enjoy learning, so I don't need code but I could use advice as to the best way to achieve this functionality.


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Here is a small example, adding a panel and a button to the activity. If you click the imageview, the panel will be visible
Sub Globals
    'These global variables will be redeclared each time the activity is created.
    'These variables can only be accessed from this module.
   Private iv As ImageView
   Private p As Panel
   Private pState As Int = 0 'panel visible or not
   Private bt As Button

End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
    'Do not forget to load the layout file created with the visual designer. For example:
   Dim b As Bitmap

   Activity.AddView(p,-100dip, 0, 100dip,100dip)
   Dim cd As ColorDrawable
   cd.Initialize(Colors.ARGB(100, 255,0,0), 0)
   p.Background = cd
   p.AddView(bt, 20dip,20dip, 60dip,60dip)
End Sub

Sub iv_Click
    If pState = 0 Then
      p.SetLayoutAnimated(100, 0,0 , 100dip,100dip)
      pState = 1
      p.SetLayoutAnimated(100, -100dip,0 , 100dip,100dip)
      pState = 0     
    End If
End Sub

Sub button_click
    Log("Button click")
End Sub


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